Frequently Asked Questions

What isn't allowed on soulSafe?

Malware/Viruses, Spam, Child Pornography, anything malicious or with malicious intent (i.e. private documents or revenge porn)..

We have zero tolerance towards child abuse. We are currently using Cloudlare's CSAM Scanning Tool to proactively identify and take action against any files that match known CSAM Any amount of CSAM will cause your entire account to be purged.

Will you keep my files forever?

Yes, we also offer a temporary uploads feature which will automatically delete your files after a certain period of time.
You can configure this feature through our homepage's config tab.

What are the allowed extensions here?

We support any file extensions, except the following:
.bash_profile .bash .bashrc .bat .bsh .cmd .com .csh .exe .exec .jar .msi .nt .profile .ps1 .psm1 .scr .sh

Why are my .htm/.html uploads being served as plain text?

There had been too many phishing pages being uploaded in the past.

Privacy Policy

As a condition to using the Service, you agree to the terms of the soulSafe Privacy Policy as it may be updated from time to time. soulSafe understands that privacy is important to both us and you. soulSafe does not collect or store personal identifiable information such as email addresses, IP addresses, browser metadata, etc. We will not share any information with third-parties.
soulSafe uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads that may collect data when you visit our web site. These companies may use aggregated information about your visits to this and other web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site, other sites, and other forms of media about goods and services of interest to you.

How can I contact the site?

[PGP Public Key]
To provide feedback, report abuse or to simply contact us [AUTOMATED DMCA SPAM WILL GET AUTOMATICALLY BLOCKED AND DELETED]: [email protected]

  • Do not include thumbnails, site assets (js, css) or a big list of individual file links.
  • Incorrect, invalid, or non-applicable submissions and requests wont be acknowledged.
  • We keep no logs. Accounts require no verification. Don't bother us for data the we don't even have and that you do not deserve.

  • For transparency, a public log of removed files & albums can be found here.